What differentiates your firm from the hundreds of other firms who offer similar services? Does your marketing resonate with prospects? Will they call you when they are ready to consider changing out their accounting system? Come learn why and how you should be differentiating your firm. Walk away with a deeper knowledge of how to integrate differentiation and vertical messaging into your inbound, outbound and nurture marketing efforts.
When & Where Is It?
Monday, Oct 24, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM in Orlando Florida at
About Intacct Advantage
Advantage 2016 is the must-attend event for Intacct customers and partners. From introductory workshops to advanced training, a full range of sessions is available to customize your conference experience. In addition, attendees can access direct support from Intacct experts, explore the Marketplace Expo to learn about partner solutions or services, and network with peers to share best practices or just unwind after a productive day. Optional pre-conference training courses are also available at an additional cost for more in-depth education.