As an investor in the Wealth Management industry, whether you are dealing with multiple types of asset classes, partial interests in private companies, investments in commodities, or tax-favored assets, the odds are that a large percentage of your time is allocated to chasing data.
You have various types, and quality of financial reports and you want to provide your institutional managers with high-quality reporting. With all multiple investment types, it’s usually tough to have visibility and analyze companies side by side without spending hours doing it manually in Excel. Often, those metrics of a company to company comparison are the same perspective for you as the investor, but it’s very different inside those companies. It’s crucial that you have access to the data across all entities.
How time intensive and challenging is it for you to bring numerous reports together during the year to determine where your clients stand at any point in time? Sure, you can do it once a year, but that might not be a workable solution for some of your operational assets. Still, the challenge remains to make it congruent across all the entities. Does the consolidation view you have offer inter-office elimination? Numerous inter-office transactions easily convert to 10’s of hours of lost time and inaccurate reporting of your Fund’s performance.
Do you have the visibility and capacity to consolidate all your investments the way they need to be by the fund, by the investor, or by performance?
Sage Intacct, provides a virtual, digital, and real-time general ledger for consolidated assets operating at a company level. You get consolidated reports in real-time displaying performance and activity at the top level, and detailed levels where institution’s reports are not used. As an investor, you can have a personal report uniquely customized for you. Additionally, you can have an investor dashboard for each investor if you have different allocations regarding which properties you’ve invested. You’ll get rolling valuations and benchmark as well. This visibility and consolidation will develop your Wealth Managment company into a business with real-time transparency, setting you apart from competitors.
Some wealth management companies have 30 companies and possibly have up to 30 different systems including multiple software suites from which they have to consolidate. Usually, those instances are where they have to do all the consolidation manually. Also, they must do numerous inter-company transactions from both sets of books. Using Sage Intacct, they can do it once and eliminate that duplicity.
It’s a big project to take that type of a variety of systems and integrate it, but it creates an enormous sense of value to the company to not have to log into all of those systems, to not have to do after the fact work, and to have the pulse of the business in real time. Sage Intacct does that nicely.
Because the system is dimensionally based, even though their legal structure sometimes limits companies, Sage Intacct not only tracks the legal structure, but it allows you the flexibility to report across all legal structures or certain ones and group those together. That gives you surpassing efficiency. You no longer have to group all that outside the system manually. Using this system, you can report on it in the way that you need to see it. You don’t have to recreate it every single month, saving you time and missed data.
Other software options offer you something concerning consolidating, but we believe that Sage Intacct does much better when related to inter-company and consolidations. It allows minority ownership and majority ownership visibility, and we see other software options struggle with that function.
Trusted CFO Solutions leads you through the implementation of Sage Intacct, a world-class, industry leading digital reporting platform managed, executed, and presented by our team of finance and CFO executives with over 100 years of experience.
We try NOT to disrupt your business. Our goal is to do a very swift implementation to get you up and running as quickly as possible. We have you trained and ready to go when we launch our go-live system. Your old system shuts down, the new Sage Intacct system turns on, and you are off and running.
Through this platform, you gain virtual access and video review of all reports, at any time with subscriptions based on SAAS service. In other words, not hourly or commission based charges.
Why not discontinue the constant chasing of data and information from your staff and gain visibility to real-time data on all investments, assets, and contracts congruently? Your secure data is as close as your computer keyboard and protected by world-class data centers.
You will have real-time access to the data, can timely present that data to stakeholders in a consolidated or grouped view of which assets they need to combine and analyze.
With the results at your fingertips of consolidating all of your data at once, you can watch the performance faster so that if you do see things that are underperforming, you can take corrective action or get rid of the asset. It helps you know if you’ve invested in a particular entity and the performance is not there, you have visibility to what’s not on track.
Embrace visibility, real-time access and capacity to consolidate your investments by the fund, the investor, or by performance. Watch your Wealth Management Company transform as you get back your management, strategy and decision-making time to counsel clients.
That’s a win-win and game changer for wealth management and family office companies.
Say goodbye to spreadsheet reporting and manual consolidations and start using a cloud-based financial management system.
© Trusted CFO Solutions.