We’ve found that businesses don’t generally have friendly strategic referral partners. When the pandemic crisis hit, we had five different firms like ours, with different specialties, that were not able to serve clients when their phones rang off the hook. This opened up an opportunity.
Our referral partners understand they can trust us not to take their clients. They know we help service other organizations like ours who don’t have the resources in place, don’t have a five-member task force, don’t have a collaborative client tool, or don’t have client hubs to make the loan applications. They were able to trust us to help their customers, which helped them.
This eye-opening pandemic experience revealed how we can continue to grow by partnering with other firms that lack the business intelligence tools we’re able to loan to them during these situations.
We’re now looking at presenting programs to other firms that do what we do in that next layer of advisory work. Together, we can grow in ways we could not on our own.
If we’ve partnered with a firm that does something much better than we do, it’s a great time to outsource or refer work to them, so our clients get the best service needed to help their businesses survive and change.
Whether it’s tax strategies or budgeting and forecasting, if we require specific research, from an industry niche or other IT firms and strategic partners, collaboration is beneficial for producing the best result for clients. Having our strategic partners inform their customers has been a mutually beneficial opportunity.
Now more than ever, staying connected with other companies and businesses is almost as essential for growth, as is sharing our knowledge. New customer engagements can often emerge from these fruitful partnerships.
A majority of our new customers originated from our important referral partners with who we already had relationships within our network. So the eye-opener for me is the referral program and the referral partners doing great work together for clients.
We’ve come to appreciate just how interconnected we are and also the limitations and downsides of our pursuit of autonomy; we need each other. We benefit from working together and trusting the expertise of different people.
How could you be partnering with other companies to emerge from this crisis stronger?
If you’re interested in partnering with us, visit this page to begin exploring the opportunity.
Say goodbye to spreadsheet reporting and manual consolidations and start using a cloud-based financial management system.
© Trusted CFO Solutions.